Up In Her Room. face serum


Up In Her Room. face serum.  Use after cleansing night and day--made for the wild at heart to look their best every single day for all of their years. It's a luscious, silky skin oil designed to combat fine lines, repair skin damages by promoting collagen production at the cellular level, tighten pores, and even skin discoloration...live and play hard...and take care of yourself. Your skin is your largest organ and it's plastered on your face! Put natural nourishment on it.

Check out the So Fresh And So Clean. cleansing oil for a mild morning cleanser to use before Up In Her Room and the Time After Time. silky face cream on top if you need even more moisture, like I do. Especially in the winter.


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This skin elixir is made from essential oils of Ylang Ylang, Carrot Seed, Cape Chamomile, Rose absolute, Blue Yarrow and Lavender which are carried in a mix of Jojoba, Argon, Rosehip Seed and Apricot Seed oils with a dash of Vitamin E.

The name Up In Her Room is inspired by a song sung by one of our favorite bands ever, the Seeds, on their self titled album.