Dr. Feelgood. Acute Cold & Flu


Soothing and immune boosting herbs come together in this tasty vitamin c rich blend. And if you have the cold/flu, or are getting there, reach for this handy little formulation and drink it with abandon. 

Make like a 32 oz portion, drink and brew the dregs one more time in a day. Really, you can't have enough! 

Drink a decoction of this blend in an acute cold/flu infection to prevent it from moving further down and could settle in the lungs. These herbs are blended for; echinacea is proven to aid to quicken the passage of viral infections; elecampane an expectorant, helping expel cough; elderflower helps open the skin to promote sweat; rosehips are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, vit. C rich inclusion; eucalyptus relieve cough; ginger warming anti-inflammatory, induces sweat; cat’s claw anti-inflammatory to reduce pain & fever; licorice moistens & repairs tissues damaged by cough it helps expectorate; orange peel rich in vit. C. 

The name is inspired by the song sung by Aretha Franklin...not the Motley Crue one...which isn't their best work!

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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